Your Location/city: STEVENAGE (LONDON)

Name of the product/service/company:: MAKE MY TRIP

I booked my flight tickets from the web site of make my from London Heathrow to Ahmedabad. I had a flight from London Heathrow to Delhi via British Airways and from Delhi to Ahmedabad via Jetlite Flight no. S2-121 on 06th of Sept 2009. Due to some technical problems the Jetlite flight got cancelled from Delhi to Ahmedabad, so the Jet Airways authority @ airport offered me to get full refund and book the other airline or go via Bombay through Jet Airways. I also got the letter from Jet Airways (as enclosed)that I will definitely get full refund. Make my trip staff also asked me to get this type of letter from the Jet Airways in order to claim the refund. They were saying me over phone that somebody will call you back about your claim and so on. I was chasing them all the time. Finally they change their words and started saying that as your ticket was thorough ticket from London to Ahmedabad we have some technical problems (don’t understand their bullshit excuse)you need to wait till you complete your return journey. I think so that the company is not really providing the service which they are claiming and they got the money from Jet Airways, but they dont want to refund it back to me.

This had raised so much problems. I really got peaced of with there answers and excuses. My recommendation would be not to use their service at all.

If the similar thing had happened and I booked the tickef from the company in UK, I bet that I would have got my money asap.

Please consider my issue seriously. I have got all the paperwork to file the case against the company if I will not get my money back.

Can any media help me with this please.

Tejash Shah


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