GILMA water heater stops working every 2 months!

Location/place: Bangalore

Name of company/service: GILMA – Stovekraft Pvt Ltd

I purchased GILMA water heater model: MILANO 25 L in July 2011. Since we started using this, it stops working every two months. The company does not have a service call mechanism and every time one has to depend on a cell number provided and no official complaint is registered. The service technician repaired it onsite 4 times so far and we got fed up and returned it to the shop where we bought it. The shopkeeper is keeping this with him for more than a month now, with no action and every time when called says some excuse. On 10/06/2012 when I called him he promised a replacement today itself. I visited his shop, he says he does not have stock of that model and is ready to provide some other model of lower capacity. We are fed up of such service and demand cash refund and damage carried out by GILMA technician in the false ceiling of our bathroom. How do we go forward? Pls help.
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