Fraud against free gift and wrong registration on IMEI

Location/place: Delhi

Name of company/service: Samsung


I would like to raise a serious concern regarding the registration of Galaxy Note I recently purchased.

I checked the IMEI number of my phone on and found that this phone is registered on the name of some other person with his address. He has also availed free gift of Sennheiser Headset PX100 II worth Rs 3490/-.

I tried calling this person but he is not available to take calls.

I am surprised to see that how someone else is registered on my phone’s IMEI number. I believe these numbers as unique in nature and I don’t except such things from a brand like SAMSUNG.

After exchanging several emails and calls, the samsung executives confirmed that I will get my gift. I provided them with a copy of invoice.

But after more than three months today I received a bluetooth from samsung. This is not even one third of Sennheiser Headset price.

During these three months, I received several calls from various executives to confirm my address and phone’s IMEI.

This is really frustrating and now I just want that SAMSUNG should delivered my entitled gift of Sennheiser Headset asap.

Vipin Kalra


One response to “Fraud against free gift and wrong registration on IMEI”

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