Complain about Broadband Internet Services of Spidigo.

Location/place: Shahibaug, Ahmedabad.

Name of company/service: Spidigo

We have paid Annual Broadband Internet Charges to Spidigo vide Bill No. : 301069 dated 23.12.2011. We have made Payment of Rs. 7999/- vide Cheque No. : 677246 of Bank of India dated 23.12.2011. Since, last 2 months, Internet Services of the said company are not regularly available. We are booking complaints on their Customer Care No. : 079-66199999. Everytime they give complain ticket no. and after that they do not solve the problems of Internet. Sometimes their Customer Care No. is not available and we get message as this telephone no. is busy. Since, last 15 days they are not receiving our complaints. We are practising Chartered Accountants and we have to file all Income-tax Returns with CPC Banglore by compulsory e-filing. If we do not file return in time, our clients are subject to levy penalty. Since, last 1 month, we could not use Internet Connectivity due to problems of Service Provider. Our clients are getting damage of financial loss due to non-compliance of procedure and non filing of Income-tax Returns within time schedule. The Service Provider has given assurance about availability of services and rendering after sales services. However, we are not getting any response from the company even after repeatedly complaints from our side. We demand for cancellation of services and refund for unused period. Kindly, take our complaint at the earliest.

Thanking you.

CA Saumil Shah, ACA.


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